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Spedizione gratuita in Italia Free shipping in Italy for orders over 199 € + VAT. Sicily and Sardinia included. Minor Islands excluded

Blast chillers for food

Blast chillers or blast ch illers are used both to quickly cool freshly cooked food, dough or fillings and to freeze unprocessed food in a very short time.

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    Ristoattrezzature's professional blast chillers, commonly called blast chillers, are equipment that allow the temperature of cooked foods, food raw materials, creams, to be lowered very quickly for subsequent storage in the freezer or refrigerator. This item allows both positive blast chilling, during which the core temperature of the food is brought down to +3°C, and blast freezing (negative blast chilling), a process in which the product reaches -18°C.

    These characteristics make blast chillers ideal equipment to guarantee the daily production of bars, pubs, ice-cream parlours and all those activities specialised in processing sweet or savoury dough, which must be layered or assembled before being sold or delivered to the customer.

    In general, all food that cannot be served immediately, once cooked, tends to rapidly lose its flavour, nutritional and organoleptic characteristics; furthermore, hot food (+70/+10°C) is rapidly attacked by bacteria and tends to deteriorate after a few hours. Only rapid chilling of food maintains its properties, protecting it from the aggression of external corrosive substances.Chilling 'to the core' to a temperature of +3°C enables the freshness, taste and nutritional properties of food to be preserved much longer.

    What does blast chilling mean and who should use a blast chiller?

    Refrigeration, freezing and blast ch illing are the main methods used by professional chefs and cooks to preserve food, delay the inevitable spoilage of raw materials and prevent the development of bacteria harmful to humans.

    Blast chilling is a specific procedure performed using a blast chiller, also known as a professional blast chiller, which allows food to cool down in a short time: in about 90 minutes, the internal temperature of the food drops to around 3°C, ideal for proper preservation. The rapidly induced cold acts with a bacteriostatic capacity, preventing germs from proliferating. The product can also be frozen in order to keep the organoleptic properties of the food intact.

    This preservation technique serves to

    • Lower the temperature of cooked food before subjecting it to freezing;
    • Reduce the temperature of raw food to avoid health risks;
    • Minimise the possibility of bacterial contamination of the product;
    • Preserve the properties that the food possesses, preventing them from being lost with the passage of hours or days;
    • Avoid the easy and quick spoilage of food, and the consequent waste of money and food.

    Consequently, the blast chiller is used:

    • In professional delicatessens and kitchens in bars, pastry shops, pizzerias, bakeries and gourmet restaurants to preserve raw materials or cool freshly cooked doughs;
    • In sushi bars or fish restaurants, in particular to preserve the wholesomeness of fish to be eaten raw, preserving its flavour and organoleptic characteristics;
    • In ice cream parlours, to obtain ice cream of superior quality and easy preservation.

    Killing raw fish: why is it essential for health?

    Raw fish, in the form of sushi and sashimi, has entered the eating habits of Italians in recent years. Theslaughtering of raw fish is a necessary procedure to eradicate those pathogenic microorganisms, normally present in fish, that pose a potentially deadly danger to those who consume it. Circular No. 10 of 1992 of the Ministry of Health states that, in order to eliminate any potential danger from the food served to their customers, all catering activities that serve raw fish to their customers must keep the fish at a temperature below -20°C, for at least 24 continuous hours.

    To reach such low temperatures quickly requires specific equipment, i.e. blast chillers, not a refrigerator or an ordinary cold room, but a professional product forblast chilling food. But beware! In addition to the dreaded anisakis, raw fish stored incorrectly and not blast chilled may also contain other parasites such as listeria, escherichia coli, salmonella, hepatitis A, and even the cholera vibrio.

    Energy label: what it is and when it is mandatory

    Theenergy label is a document that informs consumers about the characteristics and energy consumption for each model of household appliance manufactured for sale. In Italy, as in other European countries, the regulation on the energy label has undergone some changes and, today, it is only compulsory for the following appliances placed on the EU market: refrigerators and freezers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, electric ovens, electric lamps, air conditioners, boilers and heating systems. For all articles, on the contrary, necessary for the mere display of products and not for their preservation, the affixing of the label is not necessary.

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